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L4V Deadlock

L4V Van Deadlock straight bolt out
L4V Van Deadlock in situ

How does the L4V Van Deadlock work?

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The L4V Deadlock is a mechanical deadlock for vans operating independently from the manufacturers’ locking system. It is very similar to the L4V Hook Lock however this lock engages a ‘straight bolt’ (20mm-50mm) into its opposing body section. Operated by its high-security external key under full control of the driver. Suitable for owner-drivers or applications where the driver can be relied upon to operate the lock. The L4V Deadlock is recommended for use on the vehicles cab doors. We may suggest this as an alternative to an L4V Hook Lock where necessary.

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Key features

  • Designed and manufactured exclusively for Locks 4 Vans to meet the demanding requirements of commercial vehicle security
  • The lock case has a compact footprint permitting several fitting positions
  • 60% less metal is removed from the structural part of the door during installation compared to other lock cases, resulting in the most effective security
  • Lock kits are vehicle specific and contain all the required fixings, fittings and instructions to enable a technician to perform a professional installation
  • Kits available in T-Series and S-Series key systems
  •  L4V cylinders, housings, and plugs are plated in highly durable satin nickel to maintain a long-lasting appearance and consistent performance
  • L4V black nylon external barrel trims supplied as standard to maintain the aesthetic appearance of the vehicle
  • Satin nickel-plated brass barrel trims, oversized black barrel trims, and angled black barrel trims are also available
  • We supply each kit with 3 keys (however kits pinned up to specific key numbers are only supplied with one key as standard. Call us to arrange additional keys)
  • Suitable for Electric and Hybrid variants 

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